Buluttan Weather Intelligence Solutions for Weather-Related Problems in the Construction Industry

Let's explore the solutions that Buluttan Weather Intelligence offers for weather-related problems in the construction industry.

Construction Sector in the World and in Turkey

Since the advent of settled life, humanity has been building things. Today, with the increasing population and the consequent increase in demand, more construction is being carried out than ever before. With modern technology, humanity can build more complex structures faster than ever before.

According to a report published by PwC, the construction sector is expected to reach a volume of around $15.5 trillion by 2030, with an 85% growth worldwide. China, the US, and India are expected to account for 57% of this growth.

In Turkey, the construction sector, which was $53.3 billion in 2024, is expected to reach $68.4 billion by 2029. In such a large sector, the damage caused by problems and delays is also significant.

construction vehicles

While balancing multiple projects and responsibilities, a construction manager must anticipate factors that could affect productivity.

Timely and reliable knowledge of the weather can ease this task. Unexpected weather events endanger employee safety and complicate operational management. Let's examine how weather impacts the construction sector:

  • An unexpected storm endangers the construction team's safety.
  • Long periods of rainfall have a negative impact on construction foundations.
  • Very hot or cold weather affects concrete strength.
  • Lightning striking the project site poses a risk.
  • Severe wind during crane operations is dangerous.

Delays during the construction phase have the biggest impact. Weather-related delays increase costs and can lead to liquidated damages. Delayed completion affects clients who have financing, delivery dates, and planned opening dates for hotels and restaurants.

Weather also disrupts the supply chain and affects material availability, which is crucial for project progress. Read more about Logistics Operations and Weather Intelligence for further insights.

construction worker

Buluttan Weather Intelligence: A Strategic Partner for Your Construction Operations

Buluttan Weather Intelligence enables reliable and timely meteorological information to be accessed for your construction project area through high-accuracy and high-resolution hyper-local weather forecasts provided by Buluttan from the API up to 100m resolution. With the accuracy of our models, your assets and team are safer than ever before against unexpected weather events.

With the Buluttan API, you can have the meteorological parameters you need provided to you at regular intervals. You can also verify a past extreme weather event for any insured products that were damaged in an accident.

With Buluttan Sky Watch, while managing field operations, your on-site team can also access a web-based and mobile-compatible severe weather control panel.

With this panel, they can observe weather risks at a hyper-local scale in real-time, understand where, when, and how severe the risks will be, monitor real-time radar images, and organize their operations according to the weather to take precautions against future extreme weather events.

With Buluttan Map Layer, you can inform both your drivers and dispatchers about weather risks on the road in real-time and allow proactive approaches to be developed against them in logistics operations.

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