What is Celsius?

Temperature scale, abbreviated as °C, found by accepting the freezing point of water at one atmospheric pressure as zero and the evaporation point as 100.


A rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, capable of causing significant damage.

A fixed potential temperature line on adiabats, or the process of thermodynamic changes within a system without any exchange...

The state of the atmosphere when it contains the maximum amount of water vapor possible at a given temperature and pressure.

Cloud condensation nuclei are tiny particles in the atmosphere, such as dust, salt, or pollutants, that provide surfaces...

Indicates the amount of water the soil can absorb/retain through percolation. This capacity is around 7% in sandy soil and...

The heating of the Earth by the sun causes daily changes in both the direction and speed of the wind. During the day, ground...

A weather front where two air masses meet but neither is strong enough to move the other, often resulting in prolonged periods...

Bright and dark rays with changing colors and contrast in the sky. These rays become visible due to the reflection of atmospheric...

A middle cloud type within the B family in the international cloud classification. These clouds consist of water droplets...

A small, intense downdraft that produces damaging winds at the surface, typically lasting a few minutes and often associated...

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