What is Confluence?

Confluence refers to the area where two or more air streams or bodies of water meet and combine. In meteorology, it often describes regions of converging airflows that can lead to cloud formation and precipitation.


A line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure, used to identify high and low-pressure systems.

A condition in which the stratification of the atmosphere depends on both air temperature and pressure, and where surfaces...

In a severe storm, with a swirling motion in its left rear quadrant, a vertically rotating column of air, often seen with...

Indicates the amount of water the soil can absorb/retain through percolation. This capacity is around 7% in sandy soil and...

A thermodynamic change process in the system without any exchange of heat or transfer of energy between systems. This process...

A periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, significantly influencing global...

Any form of water - liquid or solid - that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth's surface, including rain, snow, sleet,...

The percentage of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature.

Güneş ışığının geçmesine izin verip ısının atmosferden kaçmasını engelleyen karbondioksit ve metan gibi sera...

A weather system refers to the movement of warm and cold air across the globe, usually in a recurring pattern. Systems can...

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