What is Air Mass?
A large body of air having similar horizontal temperature and moisture characteristics.
Indicates the amount of water the soil can absorb/retain through percolation. This capacity is around 7% in sandy soil and...
Conduction is the transfer of heat or electricity through a material without the material itself moving. This occurs when...
A rapidly rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground, capable of causing significant damage.
Coastal flooding occurs when water from the ocean, sea, or large lakes inundates land areas along the coast, usually due...
A type of cloud consisting mostly of small particles such as ice particles.
The situation where there is no advection because the constant pressure surfaces and temperature surfaces in the atmosphere...
The scientific study of climate, focusing on the analysis of long-term weather patterns and trends over time.
The term 'cloudy' refers to weather conditions characterized by a significant amount of cloud cover in the sky. This may...
The upward movement of air caused by a topographic barrier, such as a mountain, which can lead to cloud formation and precipitation.
CONQ is a meteorological abbreviation for significant convection observed in a specific area, often indicating unstable atmospheric...
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