What is Avalanche?

A sudden and rapid flow of snow masses accumulated on the slopes of mountainous areas under the influence of gravity or a triggering external force; a large snow mass that grows as it flows and may contain ice and stones.


A narrow band of strong winds in the upper atmosphere, typically flowing from west to east and influencing weather patterns.

Cloud condensation nuclei are tiny particles in the atmosphere, such as dust, salt, or pollutants, that provide surfaces...

A condition in which the stratification of the atmosphere depends on both air temperature and pressure, and where surfaces...

A low-pressure area with converging winds, rotating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern...

An anvil is a cloud mostly composed of ice particles. Otherwise known as a cumulonimbus cloud, an anvil has reached the stratospheric...

A weather front where two air masses meet but neither is strong enough to move the other, often resulting in prolonged periods...

A cold front is the leading edge of a cold air mass that replaces a warmer air mass. It is typically associated with sudden...

Large, fluffy white clouds with flat bases, typically indicating fair weather, though they can develop into storm clouds...

A storm characterized by the presence of lightning and its acoustic effect on the Earth's atmosphere known as thunder.

A line of severe thunderstorms that can form along or ahead of a cold front, often producing strong winds and heavy rain.

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