What is Atmosphere?

The mass of air surrounding the earth and bound to it more or less permanently by the earth's gravitational attraction.


An elongated area of relatively low atmospheric pressure, often associated with unsettled weather conditions like storms...

A measure of how hot it feels when relative humidity is combined with the actual air temperature, often referred to as the...

Bright and dark rays with changing colors and contrast in the sky. These rays become visible due to the reflection of atmospheric...

A periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, significantly influencing global...

A middle cloud type within the B family in the international cloud classification. These clouds consist of water droplets...

A scale for estimating wind speed based on observed conditions of the sea or land. It ranges from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane)...

The percentage of water vapor in the air relative to the maximum amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature.

Large, fluffy white clouds with flat bases, typically indicating fair weather, though they can develop into storm clouds...

The term used for semi-stationary high-pressure centers such as the Azores and North Pacific Highs, which occur in the narrow...

An instrument that continuously records atmospheric pressure over time. It uses a barometer to measure pressure and creates...

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