What is Low Clouds?
A term used to identify clouds with a base height below 6,000 feet in the observer's direction. Stratiform clouds consist of stratus and stratocumulus clouds, while cumuliform clouds include cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds. The cloud base heights vary according to the warm or cold regions.
Considerable cloudiness refers to weather conditions where a large portion of the sky is covered with clouds, but some clear...
A prefix used in cloud nomenclature to describe middle-altitude clouds that form between 6,500 and 20,000 feet, such as altostratus...
A sudden and rapid flow of snow masses accumulated on the slopes of mountainous areas under the influence of gravity or a...
A weather watch means there is a risk of weather hazards in the near future, which could pose a threat to life/property....
Kesilmiş alçak basınç sistemi, ana atmosferik dolaşım sistemlerinden tamamen izole olmuş bir alçak basınç sistemidir....
A type of low-altitude cloud that forms in uniform layers, often covering the entire sky and producing overcast conditions.
Observation of the sky from the observer's location where there are no clouds, and there is no obstruction to visibility....
The measure of the water vapor or moisture content in the air, expressed as the mass of water vapor per unit volume of air....
A condition in which the stratification of the atmosphere depends on both air temperature and pressure, and where surfaces...
The trapping of heat in the Earth's atmosphere due to greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which allows...
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